دوره پایتون

دوره آموزشی پایتون
مدرسین دوره : اقایان محمد عبدالهی و محمد امین صمدی
زمان برگزاری : شنبه ۲ آذر
مکان برگزاری : دانشکده برق و کامپیوتر دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان
لینک ثبت نام مخصوص دانشجویان صنعتی اصفهان:
لینک ثبت نام افراد عادی:
سیلابس های دوره :
Module 1 – Introduction to Python and Computer Programming
- Python – a tool, not a reptile
- There is more than one Python
- Let’s start our Python adventure
Module 2 – Data Types, Variables, Basic Input-Output Operations, Basic Operators
- Your first program
- Python literals
- Operators – data manipulation tools
- Variables – data-shaped boxes
- How to talk to computer?
Module 3 – Boolean Values, Conditional Execution, Loops, Lists and List Processing, Logical and Bitwise Operations
- Making decisions in Python
- Python’s loops
- Logic and bit operations in Python
- Lists – collections of data
- Sorting simple lists – the bubble sort algorithm
- Lists – some more details
- Lists in advanced applications
Module 4 – Functions, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Data Processing
- Writing functions in Python
- How functions communicate with their environment?
- Returning a result from a function
- Scopes in Python
- Let’s make some fun… sorry, functions
- Tuples and dictionaries
Module 5 – Modules, Packages, String and List Methods, and Exceptions
- Using modules
- Some useful modules
- What is package?
- Errors – the programmer’s daily bread
- The anatomy of exception
- Some of the most useful exceptions
- Characters and strings vs. computers
- Python’s nature of strings
- String methods
- Strings in action
- Four simple programs
Module 6 – The Object-Oriented Approach: Classes, Methods, Objects, and the Standard Objective Features; Exception Handling, and Working with Files
- Basic concepts of object programming
- A short journey from procedural to object approach
- Properties
- Methods
- Inheritance – one of object programming foundations
- Exceptions once again
- Generators and closures
- Processing files
- Working with real files
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